Yearly Archives: 2019
More responses to reader questions and comments: Dennis had two very salient points to make in his recent correspondence. The first was meant to remind motor-vehicle drivers of the increased speed capability of motorized bicycles. After sharing… Read More…
Year-end is a good time to respond to questions from readers that got missed in the mix. Alan reminded me that right turns on a solid red traffic light are not mandatory. Left turns in the same circumstance… Read More…
Victoria Royals hockey games have two intermissions. There is entertainment in both segments. There is also a planned question, usually about driving, by one of the advertisers. League Law, the sponsor, asked the audience to answer whether it… Read More…
In the early 2000s, I got a chance to tour a Toyota manufacturing plant in Japan. The place was spotless. It was the first thing I noticed upon entry to the facility. My tour group was stellar:… Read More…
A letter will arrive demanding the senior attend at a doctor’s office for an in-office cognitive assessment. In fact, there might even be a letter arrive a month or so in advance announcing that the above letter will… Read More…
A private detective friend of mine from Vancouver was due to meet me in Victoria. He told me to go to a well-known local restaurant, and he would meet me in the parking lot before we had… Read More…
We are not the only place where the deer population is listed as a quantifiable road hazard. Across North America, there is a resolve to warn drivers of not only the risk to life and limb for themselves and… Read More…
The annual Driving Schools Association of the Americas convention was hosted by Oklahoma City in the last week of October. The first presenter made an obvious but telling comment in the introductory remarks: “He who dares to teach… Read More…
Generational disparity and inequity are the unintended consequences of the well-intentioned B.C. driver-licensing system. Here is the reality. New drivers, the vast majority of whom are teenagers, must wait a minimum of three years before gaining a full… Read More…
One of the best communication devices ever invented is the cellphone. Do the positives of the cellphone far outweigh the negatives? How should the device be used by drivers? Recently passed provincial legislation, including increased penalties for… Read More…